
DescriptionThe iControl API in F5 BIG-IP LTM, AFM, Analytics, APM, ASM, Link Controller, and PEM 11.3.0 before 11.5.3 HF2 and 11.6.0 before 11.6.0 HF6, BIG-IP AAM 11.4.0 before 11.5.3 HF2 and 11.6.0 before 11.6.0 HF6, BIG-IP Edge Gateway, WebAccelerator, and WOM 11.3.0, BIG-IP GTM 11.3.0 before 11.6.0 HF6, BIG-IP PSM 11.3.0 through 11.4.1, Enterprise Manager 3.1.0 through 3.1.1, BIG-IQ Cloud and Security 4.0.0 through 4.5.0, BIG-IQ Device 4.2.0 through 4.5.0, and BIG-IQ ADC 4.5.0 allows remote authenticated users with the "Resource Administrator" role to gain privileges via an iCall (1) script or (2) handler in a SOAP request to iControl/iControlPortal.cgi.
SourceCVE (at NVD; CERT, LWN, oss-sec, fulldisc, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Gentoo, SUSE bugzilla/CVE, GitHub advisories/code/issues, web search, more)



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