Information on source package golang-1.21

Available versions


Resolved issues

CVE-2024-24791The net/http HTTP/1.1 client mishandled the case where a server respon ...
CVE-2024-24790The various Is methods (IsPrivate, IsLoopback, etc) did not work as ex ...
CVE-2024-24789The archive/zip package's handling of certain types of invalid zip fil ...
CVE-2024-24788A malformed DNS message in response to a query can cause the Lookup fu ...
CVE-2024-24787On Darwin, building a Go module which contains CGO can trigger arbitra ...
CVE-2024-24785If errors returned from MarshalJSON methods contain user controlled da ...
CVE-2024-24784The ParseAddressList function incorrectly handles comments (text withi ...
CVE-2024-24783Verifying a certificate chain which contains a certificate with an unk ...
CVE-2023-45290When parsing a multipart form (either explicitly with Request.ParseMul ...
CVE-2023-45289When following an HTTP redirect to a domain which is not a subdomain m ...
CVE-2023-45288An attacker may cause an HTTP/2 endpoint to read arbitrary amounts of ...
CVE-2023-45285Using go get to fetch a module with the ".git" suffix may unexpectedly ...
CVE-2023-45284On Windows, The IsLocal function does not correctly detect reserved de ...
CVE-2023-45283The filepath package does not recognize paths with a \??\ prefix as sp ...
CVE-2023-39326A malicious HTTP sender can use chunk extensions to cause a receiver r ...
CVE-2023-39325A malicious HTTP/2 client which rapidly creates requests and immediate ...
CVE-2023-39323Line directives ("//line") can be used to bypass the restrictions on " ...
CVE-2023-39322QUIC connections do not set an upper bound on the amount of data buffe ...
CVE-2023-39321Processing an incomplete post-handshake message for a QUIC connection ...
CVE-2023-39320The go.mod toolchain directive, introduced in Go 1.21, can be leverage ...
CVE-2023-39319The html/template package does not apply the proper rules for handling ...
CVE-2023-39318The html/template package does not properly handle HTML-like "" commen ...
CVE-2023-24531Command go env is documented as outputting a shell script containing t ...

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