Bug | bullseye | bookworm | trixie | sid | Description |
CVE-2023-38668 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | Stack-based buffer over-read in disasm in nasm 2.16 allows attackers t ... |
CVE-2023-38667 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | Stack-based buffer over-read in function disasm in nasm 2.16 allows at ... |
CVE-2023-38665 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | Null pointer dereference in ieee_write_file in nasm 2.16rc0 allows att ... |
CVE-2023-31722 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | There exists a heap buffer overflow in nasm 2.16.02rc1 (GitHub commit: ... |
CVE-2022-46457 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | NASM v2.16 was discovered to contain a segmentation violation in the c ... |
CVE-2022-46456 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | NASM v2.16 was discovered to contain a global buffer overflow in the c ... |
CVE-2022-44370 | vulnerable | fixed | fixed | fixed | NASM v2.16 was discovered to contain a heap buffer overflow in the com ... |
CVE-2022-44369 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | NASM 2.16 (development) is vulnerable to 476: Null Pointer Dereference ... |
CVE-2022-44368 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | NASM v2.16 was discovered to contain a null pointer deference in the N ... |
CVE-2022-41420 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | nasm v2.16 was discovered to contain a stack overflow in the Ndisasm c ... |
CVE-2022-29654 | vulnerable | fixed | fixed | fixed | Buffer overflow vulnerability in quote_for_pmake in asm/nasm.c in nasm ... |
CVE-2021-45257 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | An infinite loop vulnerability exists in nasm 2.16rc0 via the gpaste_t ... |
CVE-2021-45256 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | A Null Pointer Dereference vulnerability existfs in nasm 2.16rc0 via a ... |
CVE-2021-33452 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | An issue was discovered in NASM version 2.16rc0. There are memory leak ... |
CVE-2021-33450 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | An issue was discovered in NASM version 2.16rc0. There are memory leak ... |
CVE-2020-21528 | vulnerable | fixed | fixed | fixed | A Segmentation Fault issue discovered in in ieee_segment function in o ... |
CVE-2020-18974 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | Buffer Overflow in Netwide Assembler (NASM) v2.15.xx allows attackers ... |
CVE-2019-20334 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14.02, stack consumption occurs in expr# ... |
CVE-2019-8343 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14.02, there is a use-after-free in past ... |
CVE-2019-6291 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | An issue was discovered in the function expr6 in eval.c in Netwide Ass ... |
CVE-2019-6290 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | An infinite recursion issue was discovered in eval.c in Netwide Assemb ... |
CVE-2018-1000886 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | nasm version 2.14.01rc5, 2.15 contains a Buffer Overflow vulnerability ... |
CVE-2018-20538 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | There is a use-after-free at asm/preproc.c (function pp_getline) in Ne ... |
CVE-2018-19213 | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | vulnerable | Netwide Assembler (NASM) through 2.14rc16 has memory leaks that may le ... |
Bug | Description |
CVE-2020-24978 | In NASM 2.15.04rc3, there is a double-free vulnerability in pp_tokline ... |
CVE-2020-24242 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.15rc10, SEGV can be triggered in tok_tex ... |
CVE-2020-24241 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.15rc10, there is heap use-after-free in ... |
CVE-2020-21687 | Buffer Overflow vulnerability in scan function in stdscan.c in nasm 2. ... |
CVE-2020-21686 | A stack-use-after-scope issue discovered in expand_mmac_params functio ... |
CVE-2020-21685 | Buffer Overflow vulnerability in hash_findi function in hashtbl.c in n ... |
CVE-2020-18780 | A Use After Free vulnerability in function new_Token in asm/preproc.c ... |
CVE-2019-20352 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.15rc0, a heap-based buffer over-read occ ... |
CVE-2019-14248 | In libnasm.a in Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14.xx, asm/pragma.c allows ... |
CVE-2019-7147 | A buffer over-read exists in the function crc64ib in crc64.c in nasmli ... |
CVE-2018-1000667 | NASM nasm-2.13.03 nasm- 2.14rc15 version 2.14rc15 and earlier contains ... |
CVE-2018-20535 | There is a use-after-free at asm/preproc.c (function pp_getline) in Ne ... |
CVE-2018-19755 | There is an illegal address access at asm/preproc.c (function: is_mmac ... |
CVE-2018-19216 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) before 2.13.02 has a use-after-free in detoke ... |
CVE-2018-19215 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc16 has a heap-based buffer over-read in ... |
CVE-2018-19214 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc15 has a heap-based buffer over-read in ... |
CVE-2018-19209 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc15 has a NULL pointer dereference in th ... |
CVE-2018-16999 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc15 has an invalid memory write (segment ... |
CVE-2018-16517 | asm/labels.c in Netwide Assembler (NASM) is prone to NULL Pointer Dere ... |
CVE-2018-16382 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc15 has a buffer over-read in x86/regfla ... |
CVE-2018-10316 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0 has an endless while loop in the asse ... |
CVE-2018-10254 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.13 has a stack-based buffer over-read in th ... |
CVE-2018-10016 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0 has a division-by-zero vulnerability ... |
CVE-2018-8883 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.13.02rc2 has a buffer over-read in the pars ... |
CVE-2018-8882 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.13.02rc2 has a stack-based buffer under-rea ... |
CVE-2018-8881 | Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.13.02rc2 has a heap-based buffer over-read ... |
CVE-2017-17820 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is a use-after-free in pp_l ... |
CVE-2017-17819 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is an illegal address acces ... |
CVE-2017-17818 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is a heap-based buffer over ... |
CVE-2017-17817 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is a use-after-free in pp_v ... |
CVE-2017-17816 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is a use-after-free in pp_g ... |
CVE-2017-17815 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is an illegal address acces ... |
CVE-2017-17814 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is a use-after-free in do_d ... |
CVE-2017-17813 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is a use-after-free in the ... |
CVE-2017-17812 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is a heap-based buffer over ... |
CVE-2017-17811 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is a heap-based buffer over ... |
CVE-2017-17810 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is a "SEGV on unknown addre ... |
CVE-2017-14228 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there is an illegal address acces ... |
CVE-2017-11111 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, preproc.c allows remote attackers ... |
CVE-2017-10686 | In Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc0, there are multiple heap use after ... |
CVE-2008-7177 | Buffer overflow in the listing module in Netwide Assembler (NASM) befo ... |
CVE-2008-2719 | Off-by-one error in the ppscan function (preproc.c) in Netwide Assembl ... |
CVE-2005-1194 | Stack-based buffer overflow in the ieee_putascii function for nasm 0.9 ... |
CVE-2004-1287 | Buffer overflow in the error function in preproc.c for NASM 0.98.38 1. ... |